
of 5,000 signatures

Petition text

To Paul Pomroy, CEO of McDonald's UK

- Pay all your employees at least £10 per hour.
- Give your staff a minimum hours contract they approve of.
- Make sure your staff have the proper equipment to keep them safe at work.
- Train your managers to stop bullying in your stores.


McDonald's UK Staff and Customers

Why is this important?

McDonald's is a massive company with tens of thousands of employees in the UK. It's not fair that staff should have to cope on minimum wage and top up our family with benefits when we can't make ends meet.

McDonald’s should be a fairer employer. We've been told empty promises on pay for too long. That's why we're demanding a proper pay rise. Sign the petition demanding a pay rise for McDonald's staff.

Sign the petition

McDonald's: Pay us £10 an hour, improve safety and offer fair guaranteed hours contracts

Next step - spread the word

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